Diadem Charity Efforts
Food Bank
As part of our mission and vision to influence our local community and the world at large; Diadem Church’s welfare department through the MATTHEW 25:35 PROJECT coordinates the church’s efforts locally to do our part in alleviating various societal ills especially poverty by partnering with our local food banks. Our members at regular interval donates food, cosmetics and personal hygiene to Dagenham, Collier Row & Romford Food Banks.
Disaster Relief
Diadem Church shares share the pain and burden of disaster victims all around the world and as a church, we regularly contribute towards various disaster relief efforts through other charity organisations to Haiti, Pakistan, and IDP camps in Nigeria.
Mission Support
Diadem Church values its place in the body of Christ. We understand and recognise the mission work being carried out by other ministries who have resources to do so and we also provide support of such missions. We specifically partner with the Living Faith Church (World Mission Agency), RCCG (Africa Missions), Watchmen Prophetic Mission International, CAPRO in their efforts on mission fields across Africa as they continue to spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ even to the remotest parts of the continent.
Local Annual Outreach Project
We are proud that our church is in the heart of Romford and we fill our place in the local community with pride and a sense of duty. We carry out an annual outreach program to visit the Romford Town Centre with gifts and the gospel. We hand out bags with food and toiletries to people that approach us and share the good news with the general public.
Internally Displaced Peoples’ (IDP) Camps Support
There are numerous camps around the world caring for millions of people who have lost all they possessed including their families. These victims are identified as Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and are in desperate need as a result of conflict and violence. Diadem’s seeds go through organisation such as ADOPT-A-CAMP (https://adoptacamp.org.ng/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Mission2ChibokIII-Report.pdf )and other Christian organisations working and providing much needed aid through regular donations. We regularly pray for these people and believe that the mercy and grace of God will deliver our lands from destruction.
St Olave’s Jollof Rice Project
Diadem Church also provide food ingredients in support of ST OLAVE’s jollof rice project for homeless people in the City of London.
Military Support
We currently occupy the Army Reserve Centre Facilities and as part of our social responsibilities and appreciation to Veterans and Service Personals across the British Isles; we actively participate in the annual Poppy Appeal and organised different fun activities to raise money for the Royal British Legion as well as offer prayers for them and their families.
Future Projects
‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Matthew 25:35-36
We are gradually extending our MATTHEW 25:35 PROJECTS
Homeless Shelter
There are plans in place to purchase our own building and on acquiring one, we plan to provide warm shelter and support to the homeless especially during the harshest period of the winter season within our community. We aspire to difference in the world by raising adults with conscious and caring spirit, therefore Diadem teenagers and youths would be in the front and centre of this project.
Also on the table of plans, we intend to support to ex-convicts by providing them with temporary accommodation (if required) to ease them back into the community. We are aware of the great need in this area and therefore would like to make a difference by providing support to these men and women as they face the daunting challenges of reintegrating into society. Our volunteers would be provided with trainings including spiritually.