Readers are Leaders – Get equipped, broaden your horizon and build up your capacities for all round victory and success through some of the books written by our man of God Dr Yinka Akintunde. They are affordably available on Amazon: CLICK HERE
Positive Energy
Positive energy is a deep voice guiding readers onto dealing with all the negativities and the rampant toxicities that come with the various events of our everyday life.Laced with stories and reflections that vividly paint the impacts of positive and negative energy on human aura, the book is filled with insights on how to aggregate positivity, do away with negativity and master personal aura and control what is permitted to flourish therein.
POSITIVE ENERGY helps readers the art of not being the victim of anyone and anything any longer. It equips readers to take charge of their journey, generate the right kind of vibes for progress and channel all the available energy toward the desired goals.Readers can also try the newly invented ENERGY INDEX exercise for self-assessment and plan the next great move in positivity.

Noah’s Template of Enterprise Success
Using Noah’s post flood adventure into farming and winery as a template, this book helps you to see, appreciate and fully harness your tangible and intangible capital for maximum profitability in the market place of life, even “FATE” can be made to serve as capital when properly harnessed.
This epic book will change your world view on being successful at turning everything within and around you into capital to profit from.
This is a true self-help manual with practical and life applicable dispense of truth.

Making of a Champion
In this masterpiece, Dr Akintunde from the deep is calling on the deep in the inside of every believer to develop and unleash the champion on the inside. In a world of potentials and limitless potentials, we need to go beyond being born with or into something unto the realm of making such potentials find clear cut expression and bringing out the stars in us unto the glory of our risen Saviour and God.
This great material will take you out of the world of under achievers, living and dying with untapped potentials and unused resources.

His Pain My Gain
HIS PAIN MY GAIN is a must read book for anyone intending to make significant progress in actualizing the realities of the benefits made available in the suffering, death, burial, resurrection, ascension and the ultimate enthronement of Christ Jesus as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth. Each chapter is also loaded with faith confession for gain.

Equipped For Victory
An in-depth and inspirational guide, set to help you get ready and stand strong in the face of life’s conflict till victory is won. Beyond motivation for victory, this master piece helps readers to see the unavoidability of personal battles, the divine provision to prosecute one, and how to lay hold and make use of such divine armour and emerge a winner indeed. A real eye opener into the world of eternal reality.

Your Portion Of The Inheritance
A Spiritual guide and inspiration to help readers pursue and attain their lofty dreams and fulfil their great desires within the scope of the limitless inheritance already obtained for them in God through Christ Jesus. A call to become what you are meant to be in God’s kingdom. An encouraging word to help you chat your course forward towards the goal no matter where you are now. Faith inspiring, hope building and full of revelations for victorious living.

Window Of Hope
Dealing with dead end and tunnel experiences of life can be depressing. Readers are given tools to deal with and come out of such unpleasant but inevitable experience of life.

Potent Within
Scriptural based guide for all Christians to look within and discover the power waiting for release in their regenerated spirit.